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A class to create sorted arrays. Must contain objects comparable to one another (that can use the < and == operators). Numbers and strings support these operators by default.

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Resources = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Resources"))
local SortedArray = Resources:LoadLibrary("SortedArray")

local Array =

-- Alternatively
local Sorted ={2, 1, 5, 3} -- Will get `table.sort`ed

Library API

table InitialSet [, function SortFunction])

Instantiates and returns a new SortedArray, with optional parameters. - InitialSet: Pass in an array of data which will be sorted upon instantiation. If this is omitted, an empty array is used. - SortFunction: An optional comparison function which is used to customize the element sorting, which will be given two elements a and b from the array as parameters. The function should return a boolean value specifying whether the first argument should be before the second argument in the sequence. If no comparison function is passed, the Lua-default a < b sorting is used.

SortedArray API

SortedArray:Concat() and SortedArray:Unpack() are equivalent to table.concat and unpack respectively.


number SortedArray:Insert(Variant Element)

Inserts an element in the proper place which would preserve the array's orderedness. Returns the index the element was inserted.

local Sorted ={1, 2, 3, 5}
print(Sorted:Insert(4)) -- 4
print("{" .. Sorted:Concat(", ") .. "}")
-- {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}


number SortedArray:Find(variant Signature [, function Eq, function Lt])

Finds an Element in a SortedArray and returns its position (or nil if non-existant).

Signature is the element to find or something that will be matched by the Eq function.

Eq is an optional function which checks for equality between the passed-in element and the other elements in the SortedArray.

Lt is an optional less-than comparison function, which falls back on the comparison passed in from

Returns the numerical index of the element which was found, else nil.


table SortedArray:Copy()

Returns a raw array with the same values.


table SortedArray:Clone()

Returns a SortedArray clone.


variant SortedArray:RemoveIndex(number Index)

Removes an element from index, returning that element. The same as table.remove.


variant SortedArray:RemoveElement(variant Signature, function Eq, function Lt)

Searches the array via SortedArray:Find(Signature, Eq, Lt). If found, it removes the value and returns the value, otherwise returns nil. Only removes a single occurence.

local Sorted ={1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5}
print("{" .. Sorted:Concat(", ") .. "}") -- {2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5}
while Sorted:RemoveElement(3) do end
print("{" .. Sorted:Concat(", ") .. "}") -- {2, 5}


number SortedArray:SortIndex(number Index)

Removes the value at Index and re-inserts it. This is useful for when a value may have updated in a way that could change it's position in a SortedArray. Returns Index.


number SortedArray:SortElement(variant Signature [, function Eq, function Lt])

Calls RemoveElement(Signature, Eq, Lt) and re-inserts the value. This is useful for when a value may have updated in a way that could change it's position in a SortedArray. Returns Index.


void SortedArray:Sort()

Does table.sort(self, Comparison_From_SortedArray_new)