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Color utilities with Material Design's 2014 Color Palette

Library API


string Color.toRGBString(Color3 Color [, number Alpha])

Returns a string representation of the rgb or rgba value for a given Color.


string Color.toHexString(Color3 Color [, number Alpha])

Returns a string representation of the hexidecimal Color code for a given Color.


Color3 Color.fromHex(<numberstring> Hex)

Converts a 3-digit or 6-digit hex color to a Color3. Takes in a string of the form: "#FFFFFF" or "#FFF" or a 6-digit hexadecimal number (e.g. 0xFFFFFF)


number Color.toHex(Color3 Color)

Returns the Color in its hexidecimal-number form.


The Color table contains all the colors from the 2014 Material Design Color Pallete. These Colors are structured like so:

Cyan = {
    [50] = rgb(224, 247, 250);
    [100] = rgb(178, 235, 242);
    [200] = rgb(128, 222, 234);
    [300] = rgb(77, 208, 225);
    [400] = rgb(38, 198, 218);
    [500] = rgb(0, 188, 212);
    [600] = rgb(0, 172, 193);
    [700] = rgb(0, 151, 167);
    [800] = rgb(0, 131, 143);
    [900] = rgb(0, 96, 100);

    Accent = {
        [100] = rgb(132, 255, 255);
        [200] = rgb(24, 255, 255);
        [400] = rgb(0, 229, 255);
        [700] = rgb(0, 184, 212);


local Color = Resources:LoadLibrary("Color")
local Cyan = Color.Cyan[500]
local DarkCyan = Color.Cyan[900]
local CyanAccent = Color.Cyan.Accent[700]